Green roof systems

Green roofs are becoming more popular and can reduce the Urban Heat Island effect, contribute to Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems and increase biodiversity in urban environments.
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By their seamless nature, liquid applied membranes are ideally suited for use in green roofs as there are no laps or seams that can roots can penetrate in traditional systems. Root resistant grades are also available from many manufacturers, which negate the need for a separate root resistant layer. LRWA Members can provide green roof systems for use in inverted, warm and cold roof constructions.

For more information regarding the use of liquid applied membranes as part of a green roof please refer to the LRWA Code of Practice for Roofs which is available to download.

  • Seamless
  • Tough flexible membranes
  • Intrinsically root resistant
  • Easy to install
  • Simple detailing
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Listed below are the latest jobs posted by our LRWA members.

Field Technician
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Flat roof supervisor
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Flat roof operative
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