M. R. (Site Services) Ltd
Unit 6,
Worcester Trading Estate

Tel: 01905 755055
Email: welding@mrsiteservices.co.uk
Web: www.mrsiteservices.co.uk

Melvyn Rowberry
John Evans – Contracts Manager
Robert Walton – Technical fabrications Maanager
Orson Waller – Technical Engineer/Site surveyor
Amanda Smith – Contracts Co-Ordinator
Aneta Rebielak – Assistant Contracts Co-Ordinator
Maria Loureiro – Accounts


Manufacture, supply and fix of Roof Access Products, including Walkways, Gantries and free standing hand rail systems, snow and leaf guard and Access Hatches, the only suppliers to supply and install. Specialist Aluminium site welding and Roll-a-Flex sealing systems to all roofing details and materials.

Our assistance falls into 3 categories, Aluminium site welding, Roll-a-Flex sealing to roofing details, and roof access products including walkways, cat ladders, line safety systems, and access hatches.

We have been working towards and have been awarded CE certification for all our aluminium products in accordance with BS 1090 and ISO 9001:2015, produced and supplied by M.R.(Site Services)Ltd and also installed into and onto projects worldwide. All documentation is available for inspection and will be included in O&M manuals or on demand.

Products including standard and bespoke walkways with or without handrails, parapet rails, edge protection, opening valley walkways, Quantum Walksafe which has just been released onto the market and is inclusive of fall restraint rail, PPE, training and annual maintenance. Platforms with stepped access, Cat, ships and companionway ladders, step overs and bridges, snow guards, access hatch railing, soakers and cravats (for site welding) we do not supply to competitors!