LRWA Charity Team Challenge

Now in its fifth year, the Challenge invites teams of up to ten people to walk, run, cycle or swim as far as they can in 30 minutes to achieve the highest number of kilometres and raise money for the LRWA’s chosen charity, LandAid.
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The challenge returns; teams of up to 10 people from across the industry are challenged to walk, run, cycle or swim as far as they can in 30 minutes. Bonus kilometres will be available for the photo of the activity in the most original place and the team with the highest fundraising. 

The challenge took place between Monday 24th June – Friday 12th July 2024, and anyone could enter a team – members and non-members alike.  Teams of up to 10 people are challenged to walk, run, cycle or swim as far as they can in 30 minutes.

Correction factors will be applied to enable the modes of exercise to be comparable in km:

  • Walk: Actual km x 1.5
  • Run: Actual km
  • Swim: Actual km x 3.5
  • Cycle: Actual km / 2.5

Evidence of distances achieved should be submitted as a team result using apps such as Strava.

Bonus km are also available for those teams who post on LinkedIn and Twitter, using the hashtag; #LRWAcharityteamchallenge. These include a photo or a video of a participant during their chosen activity wearing a team shirt – 1km bonus for a photo and 2km bonus for a video.   A public vote will decide on the best photo submitted by an individual, completing their challenge in the most original place – which will earn an additional 5km onto the total distance for the team. This could be walking up Snowdon or swimming in open water.  

New for 2024: We will be awarding 5 km for the individual runner, cyclist, walker and swimmer who completed the furthest distance in 30 min.   We’re also giving every team that raises £500+ a 5km bonus and the team that raises the most money for LRWA’s chosen charity gains an additional 10km bonus!


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