
Frequently Asked Questions

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Why should I use a Liquid Applied Waterproofing System instead of a torch on felt membrane?

Many of the liquid applied membrane systems are now totally cold applied and are now seen as a safe alternative by insurance companies, main contractors and specifiers. This enables projects to be carried out a all times of the year without having to de-camp occupants from the building.

How do I make sure that enough material is applied in order to comply with the specification?

The easiest method is to grid out the roof ie a 20 litre tin will cover 20m2 at 1 l/m2
Embedment coat coverage is generally controlled by the insertion of a reinforcing mat – fully bedding the mat will generally achieve full coverage.

How can I find out which type of liquid material is best suited to my project?

Consult the LRWA Product Selector or contact one of our manufacturer members.

Are there any British Standards relating to Liquid Applied Membranes?

The British Standard of relevance is BS 6229 “Code of Practice for Flat Roofs with Continuously Supported Coverings”. This is the main standard for all flat roofing and includes information on overall design and drainage. Reference should also be made to the LRWA Code of Practice for Roofs

Are any liquid products manufactured in the UK?

Many of the LRWA manufacturer members manufacture in the UK.

How can I get trained in the application of Liquid Applied Waterproofing Systems?

All of the manufacturers within the LRWA offer applicator training with regards to their products. Some of the training may be factory based or site based.

What are the general maintenance requirements of a Liquid Applied Waterproofing System?

Refer to section l of LRWA Code of Practice for Roofing

When using liquid applied waterproofing how do I terminate onto a brick upstand?

There are several ways to terminate liquid applied waterproofing on upstands:
1. Terminate the liquid applied waterproofing a minimum of 150mm up the upstand – cut a chase and fix a counter flash (lead generally)
2. Dress the liquid into the chase and point with a PU sealant
3. Fix a termination bar at the head of the liquid applied membrane.

Refer to the typical details at the last section of the LRWA Code of Practice for Roofing

Are there any liquid applied waterproofing systems that are compatible with bituminous felt roofing systems?

Most LRWA manufacturer members have products that can be laid onto bituminous surfaces. In general terms the preparation would involve:
• Cut and re-bed blisters
• Power wash and clean
• Primer may be required

Can I use a liquid applied waterproofing system as a refurbishment product over a single ply plastic roof system?

Most LRWA manufacturer members have a product that can be laid onto single ply plastic membrane. The process would involve the carrying out of an adhesion test to ascertain if and what type of primer may be required.

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